Changes in processes, organization, technology, physical conditions and The Human Factor should be handled and managed in an integrated way. The Business Case should be transparent to everyone and easy to update, so that it always reflects where the project ends. That overview should be anchored in the management group so that it can take a proactive ownership and make realistic benefit realization plans and make sure that the resources are used on the right projects. In order to succeed, a comprehensive degree of involvement is needed and continuously all the necessary changes should be brought together in a realistic plan which is anchored at all the relevant levels.


We are a team of senior advisors with significant experience from management positions in both small and large organizations in Denmark as well as internationally.
With this knowledge, we add value when we are part of a steering committee, deliver strategic and tactical level advice, as resources in the practical execution of tasks, or act as management responsible for a project or a temporary for a specific function. Especially we have deep specialist knowledge regarding Steering committees, Digital Leadership, Business Cases and Benefit Realization.


Check out our Mastering Value Creation course. It is a must-have for anyone working on transformations and projects. The Strengthen the Steering Committee course is for you who wants the latest insights and approaches to best-practice methods and tools for steering committees.


Together with our customers we have developed BC Light, – a tool that makes it easy to develop and follow up on Business Cases. Copenhagen Airport initiate hundreds of projects each year, which were previously difficult to prioritize and follow up on. Now the airport has a tool that leads to better decisions and larger benefits – and better projects.


Our ambition is to be at the heart of a competence and value network that includes excellent niche companies and self-employed people with whom we create synergy, and thus can achieve extraordinary results for our customers.

Faarup & Partners

Faarup & Partners were founded in 2002 and are located in a charming building from 1796 in the very heart of Copenhagen.

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