Because a systematic approach ensures that resources are spent on the right projects

  • Price: 5.300 DKK excl. VAT.
  • Faarup & Partners, Vestergade 1, 2, København K
  • Teachers: 
Henrik Faarup, Jes Mejlby Jørgensen
  • Intensive 1-day course: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm
Stay sharp on benefit realization

Most people agree that projects should be followed up on what was intended when they were initiated. How can you implement projects without goals and direction? In practice, it turns out that follow-up and benefits realization in 4 out of 5 projects are highly deficient or not present at all. There is not only one, but a whole range of explanations.


You will learn to master a practically oriented approach to ensure that the benefits are realized. After the course, you will be able to identify the necessary prerequisites that must be in place in a specific project before benefits realization is possible and you can draw up a profit realization plan for a project. You will also be able to assess what your organization is lacking in order to succeed at benefits realization.


The course begins with a review of theory and practice on how to reap the benefits supported by several good and bad examples. Next, the Concept for Benefits Realization, which is based on international best practice, is introduced. Our experience is that the 5 realization factors in the concept must all be under control to succeed. We work with practical tools to

  • Identify and estimate the quantitative and qualitative benefits
  • Plan the necessary changes and ensure the involvement of those directly implicated
  • Keep the Business Case up to date
  • Ensure coherence between responsible at central and decentralized level
  • Create an overview of benefits associated with scenarios and portfolios of projects
  • Summarize the benefits realization plan

The course concludes with an evaluation of how to proceed with benefits realization in a current project or in general.


The course is conducted over one intensive day, and the topic is made clear by working on benefits realization in a continuous case during the day. The form consists of a mix of short theory presentations, group discussions, film clips, cases and several specific exercises. The course is practical and incorporates the participants’ experiences.
Before the course, you must complete a survey to cover your experience and background in Benefits Realization.


The course is for you who

  • Is a member of a management team, central or decentralized
  • Participates in a specific project that is in the start-up or implementation phase
  • Is a key person or interested party in connection with changes
  • Have participated in the course Stay Sharp on Business Cases, and want to go a step further

The training will be conducted by senior partners from Faarup & Partners, all with deep practical experience from working with Benefits Realization and with extensive management experience from large companies.

  • Price: 5.300 DKK excl. VAT.
  • Faarup & Partners, Vestergade 1, 2, København K
  • Teachers: 
Henrik Faarup, Jes Mejlby Jørgensen
  • Intensive 1-day course: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm
Stay sharp on benefit realization

Get a deal for your company

Pay a fixed amount per year and get free access to all 1-day courses for an agreed number of participants.

Contact us

— Or call us at +45 33 32 32 99

Need advice about the course?

Contact one of the teachers:

Henrik Faarup
Jes Mejlby Jørgensen